Prescription drug monitoring programs, or PDMPs, help providers ensure they’re aware of patients who are either addicted or at risk of becoming addicted to potentially dangerous or fatal prescription drugs.
What Are PDMP Programs?
Electronic databases that track controlled substance prescriptions at the state level
Give healthcare providers and authorities key information needed to understand patient risk
Ensure what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls a “nimble and targeted response”
The Benefits of PDMPs
Makes it simpler for professionals to understand patients’ medical history and engage in appropriate prescribing behavior
Ultimately keep the patient safer
Gives providers insight into every aspect of a patient’s history and risk
Ensures better patient outcomes
State programs can actively inform interventions and proactive care decisions on a statewide basis
Why Use a PDMP Partner?
Integration with EHR solutions provides unmatched ease of use
Prescriptions become as simple as possible to track
Easily meet state requirements without undo internal effort/strain