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Jerris Heaton

Follow Social Trends To Increase Patient Engagement and Loyalty

May 17, 2017

Clinician, Patient Portal 1 Minute Read

Patient Engagement In The Age Of Social Media

One of the most effective tools for generating positive interactions in the healthcare space is a steadfast commitment to patient engagement. Open and honest dialogues between caregivers and subjects allows for long-term reciprocal relationships to develop. These bonds not only build customer loyalty, but they also improve health outcomes. Effective patient engagement has been linked with an increased adherence to medical plans, reduced hospitalizations, and higher revenues.

The only way to generate these results is by meeting patients where they spend the most time, i.e. social media. Many consumers will make first contact with their physician or healthcare provider through one of the major social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc). It is important that their first experience is a positive one and that doctors have a friendly profile and good information how to get in touch, links to helpful health apps and portals are also appreciated. Developing a social strategy should be a cornerstone of every organizations patient engagement strategy.

If your practice is willing to take a step into the internet social-sphere there is opportunity for great long term benefits. Generally, practices who make an effort to meet their patient’s needs through engagement opportunities such as social media see a boost in patient loyalty. The infographic below displays how your practice can increase patient engagement, why it’s a good thing, and what the potential benefits of it are. Be pro-active and start engaging!

Click here to view full-size image.

Engagement Leads to Loyalt

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