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ChartLogic Team

Revolutionary Charting

October 8, 2012

Clinician, EHR 2 Minute Read

The most effective tools are the ones that make something you do every day easier. Microwaves make it easy to reheat your dinner if you get home a little late. A GPS (usually) helps you navigate unfamiliar territory. Smartphones allow you to access email, track your fitness goals, check out the nearest restaurants, and much more regardless of where you’re at. These tools meet very little resistance when they are introduced to the market and are quickly adopted, simply because it makes sense to use them.

Not all tools solve everyone’s needs perfectly, though. Many would put electronic medical records in this category. There is a clear need across the industry for EMR, but many doctors feel that the tools being offered aren’t solving even the most basic need they have—to complete their charting electronically.

Electronic charting that matches the way a doctor already practices shouldn’t be revolutionary, but it is. Most EMRs rely on thousands of clicks and a confusing infrastructure to “satisfy” the doctor’s need for an electronic charting system. Luckily, not all vendors are this way. Health IT vendors don’t need to reinvent the wheel; rather, they need to simply provide a simpler solution for doctors to accomplish what they do every day.

This is why voice-driven, one-screen charting is revolutionary in the health IT sector. All doctors need is a solution that is smart, quick, and easy, one that is advanced enough to improve speed and accuracy but simple enough to be learned without hours of training. This approach to charting prevents the frustrating complications of point-and-click EMR systems, not to mention it solves the initial problem caused by paper charts: time wasted chasing those charts.

In fact, using this charting system, doctors can complete a unique patient note—complete with ancillary documents (such as orders, referrals, messages, and billing codes) that meet E/M standards—in 90 seconds or less. This is crucial for doctors, many of whom see 50+ patients a day.

With the right EMR software, doctors can not only satisfy government EMR requirements, but they can also improve their daily charting experience.

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