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Ben Blake

The Security of Employee Serenity

November 12, 2016

Medical Technology 3 Minute Read

Protect Your Practice by Taking Care of Your Team

One of our favorite topics is educating your practice’s team on the risks and methods for security issues that may arise in normal business operations. It turns out that even when we send educational links and provide group training on these important issues, they don’t always work. Arstechnica reported that although employees can go through a rigorous security training class, most users will fail basic security tests like clicking on “phishing” e-mails or insecure links; and it’s all because of human curiosity. Let’s dig deeper into this.

Working on Autopilot and the Need for Awareness
Think about the last time you were engrossed in a screen or whirling through a process that you normally complete while on a computer. Our brains are used to creating sub-routines that exist within this interface — a muscle memory if you will. And yet, it’s somehow different than our normal life as we are sucked into this screen-driven existence. When was the last time you looked up from whatever screen you were attached to and found that time had suddenly flown by without a contemplation of its existence. We tend to operate on “autopilot,” and awareness within this digital realm is challenging.

But the information security market is trying to find ways to help. Security awareness training is being presented to corporations and medical practices alike, hoping to safeguard what is often the weakest link in the network security – your users. These training programs can help; however as we previously learned, their effectiveness may be marginal. However, the problem might not be with the information availability, but the user’s state as well. How can we help our team become more aware in general?

There is an answer, and many Fortune 500 companies, such as Google, Apple, Nike, and Yahoo, are taking advantage of it: meditation.  Before you close the page, consider that science is already proving the personal benefits of meditation. This includes lowering stress levels, improving listening skills, a heightened sense of awareness, and even a happier demeanor. These forward-thinking companies have realized how encouraging employees to take 15 minutes of time to meditate can affect the organization as a whole. I submit to you that an employee who is more aware of their surroundings, intently listens, and provides careful focus can mitigate potential information security threats more effectively and in the process, provide better patient care.

Brain Breaks
Practically speaking, many of these companies are taking an easy approach to corporate wellness and meditation. It’s as simple as ensuring your team gets at least one break to sit for 15 minutes. If available, you can even take a spare room and create a meditation station, complete with a simple lily plant, some light music, or even a nice miniature waterfall. The important part is to provide a relief from everyday stress so that one can sit quietly for just 15 minutes. Many companies have also helped by employing mobile apps, such as Headspace, to assist in getting started with meditation. Whichever direction you choose, allowing only 15 minutes a day can provide very quick results to your people, the office atmosphere, patient care, and even your IT security plan. Because investing in your team is investing in yourself.

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