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ChartLogic Team

ChartLogic EHR Ranked #7 in Overall Vendor Satisfaction in Black Book Survey

January 14, 2014

Clinician, EHR 1 Minute Read

At the beginning of 2013, Black Book Rankings declared 2013 “The Year of the Great EHR Switch” due to the growing dissatisfaction among EHR users. Black Book conducted a series of follow-up surveys throughout 2013 to determine what factors are most important to practices looking for a new EHR.

According to Black Book’s findings, ChartLogic ranks #7 for overall vendor satisfaction. Meaningful use, practice management, mobile applications, and interoperability were all factors in determining overall satisfaction. Among specialties, ChartLogic was ranked #4.

With hundreds of EHRs underperforming badly enough to eventually put them out of business, the strongest vendors will only get stronger as time goes by. “The high performance vendors that will emerge as viable past 2015 are those dedicating responsive teams to address customers’ current demands,” said Doug Brown, Black Book’s managing partner.

Usability is the number one factor behind practices’ motivations to switch EHRs. Interestingly, 93 percent of physician polled agreed that they preferred to replace or enhance their current point-and-click model with one with productivity-improving voice capabilities. A whopping 96 percent agreed that they would never achieve pre-EHR productivity levels if they continue to use their current EHR with basic usability problems.

In addition to voice capabilities, practices are looking for EHRs with mobile functions, revenue cycle management, patient portals, and cloud storage.

For more on the Black Book Rankings survey, click here.

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