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ChartLogic Team

Is your Practice Management Vendor Really Prepared for ICD-10?

August 14, 2015

Clinician, EHR, PM 2 Minute Read

As we all know the ICD-10 deadline is fast approaching and is less than 2 months away. You may be wondering if this transition is real and if you have to make a change; the answer is YES! The American Medical Association (AMA) President, Steven J. Stack, MD, recently stated, “ICD-10 implementation is set to begin on October 1st, and it is imperative that physician practices take steps beforehand to be ready.”

Your practice can do all the preparing, training and testing necessary to get ready for ICD-10, but none of that will matter unless your Practice Management (PM) software is completely ready for the transition.

Some PM vendors may say they are ready, but with all the moving parts involved with the new ICD-10 codes, they may fall short in a few areas. The best way your practice can prepare for ICD-10 is to have a reliable PM vendor. If you have any doubts about your PM vendor being completely ICD-10 ready, now is the time to make a transition to another PM in order to complete implementation by the October 1st deadline.

How do you know if your PM vendor is ready? ChartLogic has created a whitepaper outlining 10 questions to ask your PM vendor to determine if they are prepared for the transition in October. These questions include red flags to look out for such as “Vague assurances rather than clearly defined steps, training materials, and hard dates may suggest a lack of ICD-10 readiness. Demand this of your vendor to avoid costly delays.” The whitepaper also includes an ICD-10 Readiness Checklist on how to prepare and get organized right away.

Undoubtedly, transitioning to ICD-10 is a huge initiative for most practices. However, once the right foundation is in place, practices will see that ICD-10 offers important benefits such as automation, fewer rejected claims, reduced coding errors, and increased productivity. These benefits far outweigh the initial challenges. Your transition to ICD-10 can be smooth and painless with the help of your vendor, who should have the knowledge and services to adapt your processes and systems to ICD-10.

For information about ChartLogic PM/EMR and how we are 100% ready for ICD-10, please contact us and we will put you in touch with our ICD-10 Readiness Task Force. We look forward to helping you through this transition. Contact ChartLogic’s ICD-10 Readiness Task Force by email: or by phone 888-337-4441.

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