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Ben Blake

Signs Your Technology Needs a Lifeline

February 11, 2019

Information Technology 2 Minute Read

We get it, when technology is working properly it is one of the best tools for your business. When it isn’t working well, it’s frustrating. Today, we’re talking about the signs that your technology needs a lifeline. This isn’t meant to scare you, but we wanted to share some insight to help avoid a technology failure.

We promise to stay high level because, let’s face it, there are certain technology topics that are best left to the pros. But with our help, you’ll know a few key warning signs to consider. Without further ado, here are five signs we recommend you monitor.

1. Age of Technology

Hardware has a certain lifespan: depending on the hardware, we recommend looking at your options around the four-year mark for computers, seven for servers. Obviously, if you buy used technology that period is a bit shorter. Once the age of the machine exceeds four years performance will slow, the risk of failure increases, and it can hinder productivity.

2. You Can’t Run New Software

Either because your computer doesn’t have the space, or because it’s not compatible with new technology. If you want to upgrade to the newest software and cannot, your computer or server may be on its last leg.

3. Be Aware of the Tech Trends

Right now, you might be hearing the term “end of life” for a few different versions of software. This means that that software won’t have updates or patches any longer – which is a HIPAA compliance issue. Spoiler alert: keep your eye on January 2020 and know which software at your practice is vulnerable.

4. Know your Normal

Technology can make distinct noises – know what your machines sound like when things are going well and when they aren’t. For example, pay attention to warning beeps when your uninterrupted power supply (UPS) tries to get your attention.

5. Manage your Updates

All updates (aka patches) are not created equal. Sometimes, patches make things go a little funky. Know if the latest update will help or hinder your workflow. Or, even better, consult with an IT team to make the call.

Technology is constantly talking to us. It tells us when things are going well, when it needs a little extra support, and when it requires expertise. Being able to understand what technology is trying to tell you will help you know when things need attention.

If you recognize that your technology might need a lifeline, don’t panic! Few situations require a complete overhaul. We highly recommend consulting an IT professional before making any drastic changes to your technology strategy. They’ll be able to guide you through the process and throw you a lifeline if you need one.

Becca Wood, Client Success Specialist

Becca comes to Systeem after earning her M.A. and M.B.A from Southern Methodist University. She has a passion for writing and sharing ways practices can find peace with technology.

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