May 23, 2018
Technology has become an integral part of our society, and today’s healthcare industry, physicians, and their offices need capable and secure ways to store data. Efficient EHR systems allow healthcare practices to receive and transfer patient data, manage personnel, and more.
As this critical industry continues to expand, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) established standards for structured data that EHR programs must meet to become certified. And EHR providers, like ChartLogic, can volunteer to have the ONC review their product for certification.
The ONC established its Health IT Certification Program under the Public Health Service Act. This act designed the program to set standards for the evolving health information technology sector. A third-party tests EHR programs for their recording, security, and information sharing capabilities, only awarding certification to providers meeting ONC standards.
Medical providers must use ONC-certified EHR systems to receive Medicaid and Medicare incentive payments. Furthermore, this certification allows providers and patients to feel more confident in the way health information is stored and used.
With such a vital certification, it’s critical to find third-party laboratories to review the submitted EHRs. As of now, the ONC only works with four labs to complete certification:
With experience in a variety of industries, including healthcare, the neutral testing group SLI Compliance, a Division of Gaming Laboratories International, LLC tested and certified ChartLogic EHR 9 with 2015 Edition Health IT Module.
Because third-party laboratories test the software, medical professionals that opt for an ONC-certified EHR don’t have to take the word of a service provider—EHRs that are not secure, trustworthy, or functional don’t receive ONC certification. This means staff and physicians can rest easy knowing their software meets rigorous Health IT requirements.
Implementing an ONC-certified program also allows a physician’s office to earn more money. Offices can avoid Medicare payment adjustments and receive their respective Medicaid incentive payments, all while making life easier for a practice’s staff and patients.
As more medical professionals implement programs that meet these standards, patients stand to benefit as well. EHR systems make managing their health care easier than ever. Furthermore, because the certified systems are more secure than others, patients’ personal information remains private.