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Austin Griffith

Free Up Your Staff Time to Help Improve Patient Reviews

December 20, 2017

Clinician, Patient Portal, PM 4 Minute Read

Hear the phrase online review and your mind probably goes straight to Amazon or Yelp. But online reviews have become much more than just a tool in helping you decide on the latest tech to purchase, or which new restaurant to hit up on a Friday nightThey’re also an enormously powerful factor when it comes to the way today’s consumers are making healthcare decisions, including which providers they choose to see. In fact, nearly half of all patients in the United States (44%) research physician ratings before ever scheduling an appointment. And this percentage will continue to rise as consumers gain access to increased healthcare information through improved technology and accessibility. While insurance coverage still plays a role in the patient’s choice of physicianit’s clear that these potential patients are also relying on the internet. Your online presence (or lack thereof) matters.


We’ve recently touched on how practices can generate great patient reviews that focus on strategy, patient engagement, and social media. Today, we’d like to take a closer look at how an effective Practice Management and Patient Portal solution can free up time and positively impact your online presence. 

While it’s clear that practices need to implement a patient outreach strategy of increased communication with your valued patients, soliciting reviews during check-in or check-out may not be the best approach. This approach might seem impersonal and irritate patients who are focused on their own healthcare needs, generating negative reviews in the process. Instead, it’s important to engage in authentic and empathetic conversation throughout the entire patient interaction and provide opportunities for patients to leave this valuable feedback at their convenience. 

How is this done?

It’s all about having the right tools for the job. If your practice is frustrated with out-of-date software or still submitting paper claims, it can be a challenge to find time to properly engage your patients both in the office and online.  

With ChartLogic, your patients will always be aware of their next appointment due the ability to send customizable appointment reminders via phone, email, or text. Also Connect Patient Portal will soon offer integration to some of the top patient review websites in the country, making positive reviews from your satisfied patients just a click away. Additionally, staff will spend less time on check-in with online intake forms and they’ll have the ability to verify insurance coverage on the fly with electronic eligibility. Give your staff the tools they need to be more efficient and build valuable connections with your patient base. 

What next?

Consider switching to ChartLogic’s EHR and Practice Management Solution and watch as you improve patient care and increase patient engagement. In the end, patient feedback is key and ChartLogic can help you improve by enabling better communication between physicians, staff, and patients.  

  • Implement ChartLogic EHR and PM Suite 
  • Increase ease of scheduling an appointment 
  • Improve efficiency of check in/check-out process 
  • Ensure patients are on time with appointment reminders 
  • Create shorter wait times 
  • Give patients more time with physicians and staff  
  • Ensure easy and fast payment processing during check out 
  • See that patients leave satisfied  
  • Read a positive online review from your patient 😊 
  • Generate more patients 

To create this positive cycle of happier patients, better online reviews, and a busier practice, you need the best Practice Management and EHR technology solutions on the market. We’re not just a software or service vendor, ChartLogic is your partner in all areas of healthcare technology including EHR/PM Software Solutions, RCM Billing Services, Managed IT Services, consulting and more. We’re here to help practices improve the quality of patient care through technology. 

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