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ChartLogic Team

Getting your New Clinic Set Up with EHR Tools

January 11, 2012

Clinician, EHR 2 Minute Read

Regardless of whether a business is a specialized clinic or a general practitioner’s office, it pays to have Electronic Health Records software as your primary record-keeping tool. As any veteran of the medical industry can attest, the speed at which information is exchanged in the medical field can be daunting. Patient records are swapped between practices daily and patient information is constantly updated as well. While many businesses use EHR technology as their chosen system for handling patient records, there are still many companies that rely on physical patient files.

So why make the switch from a physical records system to a digital one? Some clinics still choose to depend on the old method of file storage but have trouble keeping up when faced with heavier workloads or a significant influx of new patients. By choosing Electronic Health Records as your medical record-keeping service, you’ll have easy and straightforward access to your patient records at all times. Even during flu epidemics or short-staffed work days, your team will be able to function with ease due to the EHR tools they are given.

Getting an EHR system up and running does take some work, but the rewards are well worth it. First, the necessary EHR software must be implemented into the clinic’s compute network. After that is taken care of, there’s the task of transcribing your old patient files into the system. While this can be a time-consuming exercise, it is a necessary step that needs to be performed as you set up your new Electronic Health Records database.

Yet once that is complete, you will be well on your way to having a new system that will take very little time or effort to maintain. With a new EHR system in place, all your patient records can be quickly updated and shared between any of your facility’s computers. Having a solid foothold on even the most hectic business days is an absolute necessity for getting ahead in the medical business world. Don’t let your company operate without state-of-the-art Electronic Health Records software.

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