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ChartLogic Team

MIPS Deep Dive: Advancing Care Information

April 27, 2017

Clinician, EHR 2 Minute Read

Meet ACI Base and Performance Measures with ChartLogic

In April 2016, President Obama signed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) into law. This legislation repealed the Medicare Part B Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) reimbursement formula and replaced it with a new Quality Payment Program (QPP) that consists of two tracks: Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) and a Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). It is vital for physicians to understand what MIPS is, how it affects their private medical practices, and its overall impact on the healthcare industry. With ChartLogic, a powerful Electronic Health Record (EHR) partner, physicians can stay ahead of these changing regulations.

Starting in 2017, the existing EHR incentive programs—Meaningful Use (MU), the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), and the Value-Based Modifier (VBM)—collectively come under the MIPS umbrella. In addition, MIPS changes performance measures for payment reimbursement, separating them into four categories: Quality, Advancing Care Information (ACI), Clinical Practice Improvement Activities, and Resource Use.

With ACI, there is a base ACI measure and a performance ACI measure, each worth 50%. However, the base measure is a pass-fail system: you must get all 50 points. With the performance ACI measure, though, there is some flexibility. The overall ACI can only reach a maximum score of 100, but because it is possible to get well above 100 with the combination of base and performance, some of the performance scoring is optional. ChartLogic will be able to help you understand what you have to do to get the ACI score you need.

“The overall ACI can only reach a maximum score of 100, but because it is possible to get well above 100 with the combination of base and performance, some of the performance scoring is optional.”

Starting in 2018, a requirement of ACI is that you have to have a CEHRT 2015 technology in place. Here is where ChartLogic can help. Without ChartLogic, there will be a lack of participation in the QPP, reduced or even negative reimbursement, and perhaps even limited reporting capabilities compared to some older technologies.

Where MU had a required 90-day reporting provision, ACI actually encourages active reporting throughout the year. Fortunately, it also provides easier reporting options for clinicians new to MIPS. Since MU Stage 1, ChartLogic has been able to maintain readiness with each new stage and program introduced by the federal government. The MACRA and MIPS legislation is no different, and we are able to meet and level of participation in the new QPP. Why take a chance at reducing your Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) payments when you can use ChartLogic and increase the likelihood you will not only meet, but exceed the national performance threshold?

MIPS Deep Dive: Quality Category ⇨

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