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Jerris Heaton

Bringing Speed and Accuracy to Practice Quality Reporting

August 5, 2020

EHR 2 Minute Read

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine found that, as it relates to reporting cardiovascular disease quality measures, smaller practices not affiliated with a larger organization and without centralized quality improvement support reported clinical quality measures more efficiently.

While there was no difference in the final outcome and 91% of practices studied had submitted data over a 15-month period, smaller practices submitted more data early on in the study than their affiliated counterparts.

Regardless of speed, practices of all sizes, even those managed by larger affiliates, can benefit in addressing quality reporting by engaging in the use of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution.

MIPS, Quality Reporting, CMS

In fact, a third-party service could potentially help these larger organizations untangle some of the lengthy reporting queues generated by their sheer size.

Reporting Requirements

The United States Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services outlines certain electronic clinical quality measures, or eCQMs, that “help measure and track the quality of health care services that eligible professionals, eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals provide.”

Reporting these eCQMs helps measure many aspects of care, including:

  • Patient and Family Engagement
  • Patient Safety
  • Care Coordination
  • Population/Public Health
  • Efficient Use of Healthcare Resources
  • Clinical Process/Effectiveness

Reporting is critical to participation in CMS programs, but also helps ensure the care practices are providing is timely, effective, safe and more. In other words, eCQM reporting and other forms of quality measurement reporting help practices ensure they’re meeting their No. 1 goal – serving patients.

MIPS, Quality Reporting, CMS

EHR solutions provide key data to help facilitate reporting of quality measures, and leveraging a third-party solution can help practices streamline their own practice quality reporting.

The Advantages of Certified EHR Technology in Boosting Reporting Efficiency

When practices leverage a certified EHR solution to engage in quality reporting, the benefits can be immediate and measurable.

They include:

  • Workload reduction and the ability to allow staff to focus on other critical tasks
  • Potential automation of data capture and calculation and report generation
  • Potential bonuses for reporting electronically
  • Integration with a more holistic approach to efficiency provided by a certified EHR

Choosing ChartLogic

ChartLogic’s EHR solution is an industry leader, helping develop unique answers to the challenges practices of all sizes face in delivering elevated patient outcomes.

ChartLogic also offers helping reporting consultation in the form of MIPS Consulting, helping practices understand how to get the most of MIPS reporting and bonuses.

To learn more, schedule a demo today.

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