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Jerris Heaton

IT and Digital Healthcare Trends to Expect in 2022

January 31, 2022

EHR 3 Minute Read

Technology expects to make big advancements in the healthcare industry for 2022 and beyond. With the COVID-19 pandemic lingering and sustaining recurrent surges over the last two years, it has been easy to lose sight of the larger trends within the industry. Let’s look at what we can expect from healthcare IT in the year to come:

AI advances in the healthcare realm

One expected trend in IT is a shift toward more Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to ModiDev findings, “AI is helping analyze CT scans to detect pneumonia. Mentioning mental health, MIT and Harvard University researchers have utilized machine learning to track trends and mental health in correlation to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

With the increasing use of AI technology, it looks like the future described in fiction, from H.G. Welles to The Jetsons, could be near and present.

2022 IT and Digital Healthcare Trends, 2022 Healthcare, 2022 IT and Software

Health-startups and health-from-home shattering fundraising records:

According to an article from Becker’s Health It, “Digital health startups raised $21.3 billion during the first three quarters of 2021,” which is up significantly from an already eye-bugging $14.6 billion in 2020. Health It also describes some intriguing ventures like a joint project between Kaiser Permanente and Mayo Clinic. The two companies invested in a Boston-based tech services company called Medically Home Group, which “powers hospital-at-home” programs.

Accelerated by the pandemic, healthcare options from home are gaining traction, and going to the doctor might become an increasingly virtual experience over time.

Healthcare goes to the cloud:

Technology and healthcare go hand-in-hand, and this extends to how information is stored. As 2022 rolls on, more and more information and more and more of the complicated healthcare industry networks will make their way to the cloud. According to Entrepreneur, “Cloud-based platforms are making novel systems like patient portals possible, offering interoperability and a secure way for important information to be transmitted quickly and easily from anywhere, at any time.”

2022 IT and Digital Healthcare Trends, 2022 Healthcare, 2022 IT and Software

Already, many customers can track all their healthcare info through apps on their phone, and this luxury and convenience will only expand in the year to come.

Mental Health to the top:

MedCity News reports that mental health has become an increasing focus in the digital age, but the pandemic era has brought the issue to the center. With technology, there are many purported mental health options available, through apps, websites, and the like, but the quality and legitimacy of some are suspect. This is an ongoing issue to be worked out, and MedCity News says, “We can expect to see continued demand for solutions, but innovators are going to have to figure out problems of scale and make a case for the suitability of digital mediums for dealing with issues such as trauma.”

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