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Jerris Heaton

Exploring the What and the Why of Healthcare Interoperability

January 14, 2020

Clinician, EHR 2 Minute Read

What is interoperability? The ability of different information systems, devices, and applications to access and cooperatively use data in a coordinated manner. Learn more about the what and the why of interoperability by viewing the animated infographic below.

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What is the Purpose of Interoperability?

Provide timely and seamless portability of information to optimize the health of individuals and populations globally.

How is Interoperability Achieved?

Enabling data to be accessed and shared securely across the complete spectrum of care, and with relevant stakeholders, including the patient.

Why is Interoperability So Important?

Interoperability delivers the opportunity for better care coordination, the advancement of population health, and lower healthcare costs.

What are the Challenges of Interoperability?

  • The industry is dominated by big names that control the market with specialized EHR software.
  • Streamlined patient record transfers increase the risk of losing patients to other providers.
  • There is no U.S. government performance standard for interoperability.

How ChartLogic Enables Interoperability

ChartLogic leverages advancements in technology to improve interoperability and increase adoption across practices and healthcare systems.

  • Standard and custom API/HL7 interfaces allow physicians to connect to the other systems they currently use.
  • AI-enabled applications such as voice dictation streamline workflows.

Find out how interoperability can work for you, visit today!

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